News — dog tips

Four Ways You Can Exercise Your Dog Indoors

Four Ways You Can Exercise Your Dog Indoors

Getting your dog enough exercise is an important routine for us pet parents so that we can help prevent our pets to have health issues such as obesity, muscle loss, diabetes, muscle loss and many others. In a previous study, dogs who are likely to exercise for 30 minutes to an hour each day are less likely to suffer from obesity than those who don't. There are several risk factors associated with overweight dogs such as orthopedic disease, higher chance to get neutered, and increased body condition score (BCS) There are many situations that prevent you from going outside to...

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8 Ways to Stop Your Dog's Destructive Chewing Behavior

8 Ways to Stop Your Dog's Destructive Chewing Behavior

It is normal for dogs to use their mouth as a way of exploring the world around them. Chewing is normal, especially for puppies, but it becomes undesirable when directed towards your shoes, furniture, clothes, or even your hands and feet. If this type of inappropriate chewing is not corrected, then it can lead to wide-scale destruction of your property. Here are eight things you can do to correct inappropriate chewing behavior before it becomes worse. Understand Your Dog Dogs, especially puppies, explore the world by putting objects in their mouths. And like babies, they have teeth for about six...

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How to Teach Your Dog Proper Impulse Control

How to Teach Your Dog Proper Impulse Control

Trying to keep your dog's attention is something that we, pet parents, have struggled to work with. Working on their focus is something that can be improved upon. Teaching them impulse control is an essential part of teaching them good dog behavior. What is Impulse Control in Dogs Impulse control in dogs is their ability to resist urges and impulses. If you've ever watched a dog show or competition and wondered how these dogs can concentrate on what they are doing even if there are a lot of barking dogs on the sideline - this is what impulse control is...

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How to Teach Your Dog to Sleep in Their Bed

How to Teach Your Dog to Sleep in Their Bed

Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels Training your dog to sleep in their bed is not easy, especially when they are used to sleeping with you. But that doesn't mean that it is impossible. With patience, perseverance, and a complete understanding of your dog's behavior, you can train them to sleep in their bed in no time at all. Buy A Suitable Dog Bed Buy a suitable bed that your dog wants to sleep in. If your dog is a puppy, you may want to provide them with a small bed with raised sides. If your pet is larger, he may not want...

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